Hong Kong - biztonság és egészségvédelem

Hong Kong

What are the health risks in Hong Kong? Is it safe and where are the places with the highest crime rates?

Choose a hotel overlooking Hong Kong

Health risks

You are not at risk of any serious illnesses in Hong Kong. As with travelling anywhere else, we recommend that you take out good quality travel insurance and always carry plenty of cash or a credit card in case of sudden injury or illness.

Tourists from other continents may occasionally experience intestinal problems after eating local food that their bodies are not used to.

However, hygiene levels are high in Hong Kong and such problems usually disappear quickly.

Health care and possible treatment

Hong Kong is considered a very advanced country with highly developed and superior healthcare.

All tourists must note that any treatment is paid for in cash immediately after visiting the doctor and only deal with the insurance company for reimbursement retrospectively.

Drinking water

Mains water is safe. Hong Kong is one of the few countries in Southeast Asia where tap water is not a problem to drink.

Dangerous animals

Due to the predominantly urban environment, there are no large dangerous animals in Hong Kong.

However, when travelling through the countryside in the more remote parts of the New Territories or Lantau Island, you must take into account that there are several species of venomous snakes in Hong Kong and it is not advisable to enter the tall grass without sturdy shoes.

It is ideal to stomp your way through the overgrown paths. However - again due to the high population density - snakes are not nearly as numerous as in other areas of Southeast Asia.

Stray dogs can be found in remote rural areas, but they are usually used to humans and are not aggressive.

Disaster risks

There is a risk of typhoons or torrential rain in Hong Kong over the summer. There are varying degrees of both and you will be informed of any typhoon or torrential rain (information in the subway, all public buildings, shopping malls).

Typhoons or severe tropical storms occur on average 1-3 times a year in Hong Kong, mainly between late July and late September.

Compulsory vaccinations

No vaccinations are required for Hong Kong, it is a standard developed country with no tropical diseases.


Crime and criminality are minimal in Hong Kong compared to other Asian countries.

It may take some time to get used to your new surroundings, but otherwise Hong Kong is very safe. We recommend extra caution in the Mongkok area, where pickpocketing can occur in street markets.

In general, however, Hong Kong is one of the safest metropolises in the world for tourists.

Important contacts

When in Hong Kong, you should know the following telephone numbers.

  • Fire Brigade: 999
  • Emergency services: 999
  • Police: 999

This universal emergency line is always easy to speak English.

Hong Kong's international telephone code is +852.

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